Madonna Playboy 1978

Madonna Playboy Cover

In 1978 the wannabe songstress was busy tossing donuts in dunkin donuts. Fame and stardom looked a long way off, so when some bloke in a dirty mac, swining a camera around his neck whispered “I’ll give ya $25 if you show me your fanny.”

What would you do? Get your kit off of course. And that is exactly what Madge did, her clothes were off before the bills had hit the table.

The reulsts were published in Playboy in 1985.

madonna playboy nude

Madonna Playboy 1978 Nude

In this first shot, then Madoona can’t quite get comfortable as can be seen from the look on her face.

Madonna Playboy 1978 nude

Madonna Playboy 1978 Nude

Shot number two is used as archival evidence for the changing body hair of women.

Madoona Playboy 1978

Madonna Playboy 1978

When this frame was taken then Madonna was actually yawning….

Madonna Playboy 1978

Madonna Playboy 1978

Here she is acting a little bit coy…

Madonna Playboy 1978

Madonna Playboy 1978

In the next post then I will get a hold of all the other shots that Playboy weren’t interetsted in. There are 40 more madonnashots to come…

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